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About us


Welcome to the website for Holy Eucharist Catholic Community. Now into the second decade of the new millennium we continue to embrace the advantages of modern technology. Like all technological developments, the Internet or World Wide Web has affected our lives. It allows instant communication at times. We may pay our bills, book an airline, movie or train ticket.


We can ‘Skype’ or ‘Facetime’ our relatives and friends and see them even though they may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. With all its blessings modern technology has its limitations, which become very apparent, say in the event of a power outage. It’s hard to believe that there are now college graduates and others in the workforce, who have never known a world without this vast database at their fingertips. So this technology can assist us and enable us to spend more time together as a family and as a community.


Here at Holy Eucharist Parish Community we can keep in touch with emails and also access information about our parish community and what current and future events are planned. If you have any suggestions as to how we might improve our website do get in touch and share your ideas with us.

At its heart we are a community who gather to give praise and thanks to God for all the gifts and blessings he has so graciously bestowed upon us. We look forward to seeing you at parish community events as well as our weekly gathering at the celebration of the Eucharist where Christ is truly present to us. In as much as modern technology can assist us in our gathering together we embrace it and look forward to newer advances yet to come.

We welcome you to our website and hope that it is of assistance to you. If your needs have not been met by the information available here, please call us at the parish office (831) 722-5490.

Enjoy your visit to our website and we look forward to seeing you at our Church in Corralitos, CA.

Blessings and best wishes,
Corralitos Catholic Community



In 1965 the Very Rev. Bishop Harry Clinch decided there should be an additional parish in the Pajaro Valley. Bishop Clinch chose the Corralitos area and appointed Rev. James Kelly as our missionary Administrator. Read more ...



Mass Schedule

Thursday *9:00 am

Friday  9:00 am

Saturday  4:00 pm

Sunday  8:00 am

10:00 am

*12:00 pm

* Spanish Mass


Holy Eucharist

527 Corralitos Rd

Corralitos, CA 95076

P: 831-722-5490

F: 831-722-5421


Family Registration

Registro Familiar




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